Current Projects and Programs

At the Students Commission of Canada, we’re passionate about engaging youth to make meaningful changes in their communities. Explore our diverse range of current projects and programs, each designed to amplify young voices. Whether you're looking to get involved, collaborate, or simply learn more about what we do, this is your gateway to making a difference. Join us in shaping the future—your journey starts here!

bottle of pills graphic

Over the Influence

Over the Influence: Tackling the Opioid Crisis is our latest Influence in Action project. Click below to discover how youth influencers are leading the charge across Canada, driving youth-led efforts to address the opioid crisis and amplifying ongoing initiatives.

Be the Program Phase 2

Be the Program - Phase 2

Be the Program, The Students Commissions of Canada's Healthy Relationships and Teen Dating Violence (TDV) prevention program has been funded for an additional 5 years! Be the Program - Phase 2 offers youth an opportunity to co-design custom programming to prevent TDV in their communities and helps them develop skills such as leadership, facilitation, research, and design skills.